2019 midnight – We were excited looking forward to what 2020 was going to bring. Unfortunately, none of us were expecting the confusion 2020 was going to create worldwide.
Many couples had to go through the heartbreak of postponing or cancelling their wedding. As we have gotten better news in Melbourne weddings are slowly blooming again. However you might be asking yourself, should we just elope?
There are a few things to consider before making this decision, pros and cons that might stop you from taking the step.
Small & sweet: In elopements typically there is a small number of guest, the creme de la creme as some say. The closest and dearest to you. If you have a large number of people you wish to have in your wedding an elopement might not be the best idea. There is nothing worse than not having the people you want with you on your special day, this can be a make or break for some. Now due to the wonders of technology, many couples are holding online weddings through Zoom or other communication platforms which allow more people to witness your day without having to physically be there. This is a great option that can help couples wanting to have larger groups at their weddings. The only downside is no hugs and no family portraits.
Intimate: This is probably one of the main reasons why I vouch for elopements. A wedding is a super intimate and unique moment and maybe just maybe it’s something you want to share only with your partner. Elopements that include only the couple, witnesses, celebrant and photographer, can feel more private and exclusive. You also have the benefit of having the ceremony in more remote areas where a large number of guest wouldn’t work, as well as having some amazing photo locations.
Cost: Less is more. Less in the wedding more in your pocket. It’s a known fact that a wedding can be a little dear to your pocket this is why elopements are a perfect option for those couples who want to keep their union budget-friendly. Maybe you choose to spend that money on the dream honeymoon you always wanted, or as a deposit to buy your first home, or maybe it’s giving yourself the perfect wardrobe. The reasons are limitless but remember that even though elopements do cost less they aren’t any less special than bigger weddings.
Less stress: Yes, don’t we all just want less stress in our lives?! Well, by eloping you will be pressing “control-alt-delete” on wedding planning stress! Going through the guest list with your parents, visiting multiple venues, booking vendors etc. This is definitely a plus side of spontaneous elopements!
You hate having all eyes on you: It’s your day so EVERYONE wants to congratulate you, talk to you and tell you how beautiful you look! But just the mere thought gives you anxiety and a low-key minor panic attack. If you hate being the centre of attention an elopement might be the perfect solution for you.
Lastly – You don’t like to follow tradition: I get it, you are a free spirit and don’t always like to follow the crowd. Just do you, there are no rules for weddings, make your own path.
My advice to all couples is always, choose your priorities. What will make or break your wedding day? Will not having your entire family present ruin your day or perhaps it will make your feel less anxious? Write the top 3 things that will make your wedding feel complete and go from there. Just remember the reason for your union is not to please others but to create a special day to remember.